The Word on Zynq
The Zynq Book is the first step for the emerging Zynq developer. Created as a comprehensive companion, the book covers all aspects of Zynq development from hardware to software, theory to implementation.
The Zynq Book covers the following topics:
The Zynq Book also features a companion set of tutorials, complementing specific waypoints in the book and consolidating topics covered up to each point (for example embedded system design, or using High Level Synthesis).
The book has been written in an approachable manner, so that beginners or experienced developers alike can pick it up and find what they need. Readers new to Zynq should find a gentle introduction that begins with the basics, while those with more experience should also be able to dip into chapters of interest as needed. Ultimately, we hope that this book will remain on your desktop as you continue to work with Zynq!